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Organization of the company's human resources in terms of developments and administration. The objective of Human Resource Development is to recruit, select, provide programs which orient, train, and develop the employees of the company by improving the skills, knowledge, abilities, and competence necessary for individual and organizational efficiency and productivity as well as personal career growth.

Human Resource Development will partner with the company's activity in a consulting capacity to provide the best recruitment and selection processes, to address potential training needs involving performance, productivity, customer service, change management, communication, teamwork, and process management. Through an analysis of structure and organization; processes, tools, and technology; people; strategy and direction, HRD can help every unit to develop a training or non-training intervention designed specifically to meet the unit's needs. The objective of human resources administration is to provide all services related to payroll, time management, organizing employees' records, as well as finalizing all reports related to governmental organizations (NSSF, Ministry of finance, Ministry of labor).

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